Date Ideas Starting With "W"
- 1.
Go on a Weekend getaway to a nearby town
- 2.
Waltz under the stars
- 3.
Wander through a sculpture garden
- 4.
Weave friendship bracelets for each other
- 5.
Whisper sweet nothings on a horse-drawn carriage ride
- 6.
Windsurf at a local beach
- 7.
Write and exchange love letters
- 8.
Wade through tide pools
- 9.
Wrangle in a rodeo (or watch one)
- 10.
Whip up a gourmet meal together
- 11.
Watch a Waterfall sunset
- 12.
Wield Watercolors together
- 13.
Walk through Wine country
- 14.
Work on Woodworking projects
- 15.
Witness Wildlife migrations
- 16.
Wander through Wildflower fields
- 17.
Write a Wishlist together
- 18.
Watch World cinema
- 19.
Weave Willow baskets
- 20.
Warm up with Winter sports
- 21.
Wade in Warm springs
- 22.
Watch Wave surfing
- 23.
Work at a Winery
- 24.
Wander through Wetlands
- 25.
Write Wall poetry
- 26.
Watch Whale migrations
- 27.
Work on Wire sculptures
- 28.
Wander through Waterfalls
- 29.
Write Wedding vows
- 30.
Watch Wildlife documentaries
- 31.
Work at a Wellness retreat
- 32.
Wander through Wisteria tunnels
- 33.
Write Wordplay games
- 34.
Watch Wuxia films
- 35.
Work on Wreath making
- 36.
Wander through Water gardens
- 37.
Write Wilderness journals
- 38.
Watch World dance performances
- 39.
Work on Weaving projects
- 40.
Wander through Woodland trails
- 41.
Write Winter stories
- 42.
Watch Watercolor demonstrations
- 43.
Work on Wind chimes
- 44.
Wander through World markets
- 45.
Write Wisdom quotes
- 46.
Watch Waterfront sunsets
- 47.
Work on Woodblock printing
- 48.
Wander through Wildflower meadows
- 49.
Write Whimsical poetry
- 50.
Watch World music concerts